2024 World Endocrine, Diabetes & Cardiovascular Conference Private
1 year ago - Other - ColomboThe World Endocrine, Diabetes& Cardiovascular Conference 2024 (EDCC24) will be organized around thetheme ‘Endocrine Care through Innovation & Discovery’.
The conference program for the 2days included a line-up of local and international speakers with inspiringinsights to share on advancing Endocrinology, Cardiovascular, Diabetes andMetabolism Quality Improvement through Patient and Family Experiences.
This International Endocrine CareMeet (EDCC24) anticipates hundreds of participants including Didactic keynoteand session lectures, panel discussions, case-based breakouts, and originalscientific abstracts, questions and answers, young researchers’ investigationsand poster presentations. Leading experts will present new concepts,technologies, management protocols, and clinical experiences in theirrespective disciplines. This conference perhaps a giant event that creates anideal platform to share expertise addressing current advancements involved incritical care management. It will be a wonderful opportunity for all thedelegates as it provides an international networking opportunity to collaboratewith the world-class endocrine and cardiovascular associations.
The conference will address the complexnature of endocrine care cases, including their unique physiology, array ofprocedures, and potential complications. The latest management strategies forchallenging clinical problems will be presented and current controversies willbe discussed utilizing a variety of educational methodologies. conferenceoffers a comprehensive education in the treatment of endocrine disorders, withcurrent technology for evaluation, diagnosis, and management. The program isdesigned to enhance the knowledge and skills of those caring for ill andinjured patients in world wide. The Conference is primarily designed for endocrinologists,cardiologists and healthcare professionals. In addition, general surgeons,emergency physicians, endocrinologists, pediatric endocrinologists,reproductive endocrinologists, neuroendocrine specialists, cardiologists, andrologist,gynecologist, surgical residents, nurses, physician assistants, nutritionistand metabolism specialist, physicians, pharmacists, scientists, technologists,nursing staff, medical students, as well as advocates and researchers in publichealth and health promotion administrators and coordinators will benefit fromthis conference.