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Vanette High Roof 4 Door (One Owner)For The Heighest Offer Private

5 years ago Automobiles Nugegoda

2,600,000 ₨

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Location: Nugegoda
Price: 2,600,000 ₨ Negotiable

Square light.High roof.One owner Nice Pack model with flat rare mudgard 58-.1996 Registerd Family vehicle in excellent newly condition.New tires and fully overauhled with fully maintained to the original specs always..to the Highest offer.call only the genuinely intrested.. and make an appointment to visit and inspect the vehicle and give an offer rather time wasting over the phone or judging by photos..for a civilised and transparent manner..no brokers please!

Additional Details

Type of ad Sell/Offer
Condition Used
Brand Nissan
Model NicePack
Mileage (km) 147590
Year of registration 1996
Engine capacity(cc) 1950